My Cheery Pet

Ultimate Guide On German Shepherd in India 2024

German Shepherds are one of the most popular dog breeds in India and are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and strong appearance. Owning a German Shepherd could be a wholesome experience and if you are someone who is planning to bring a German Shepherd into your home then this ultimate guide on German shepherds in India is going to be a big help.

Owning a German shepherd can be a fun and fulfilling experience but owning a German shepherd also comes with a lot of responsibilities. German Shepherds are one of the top-class work dogs that can be seen at the Airport, doing police work, They can often be seen at rescue sight during times of emergency, and they are also used as search dogs.

As a pet, the German Shepherd has so many qualities that can be tempting for anyone who wants to have a strong, friendly, good-looking, family dog. But the thing about them is that they are a unique breed of dogs that require a little extra effort to take care of.

In this ultimate guide on German shepherds in India, My Cheery Pet will guide you on how you can take proper care of your German Shepherd in India. This article is going to be an Indian-specific guide on German Shepherds and is specially made for people in India who are fascinated by German Shepherds and planning to bring one home.

Ultimate Guide On German Shepherd In India: An Indian-Specific Guide On German Shepherd

As I mentioned earlier, German Shepherd is one of the most popular dog breeds in India but despite being one of the most popular dog breeds in India, there is only a little reliable information available on German Shepherd in India.

Now some of you would say, “What about the internet?” Well, you can find plenty of information on German Shepherds on the internet but there’s no guarantee that you will find reliable information on German Shepherds in India.

This is because most of the information on German Shepherds that is available on the internet is according to the foreign countries and their weather conditions.

However, India’s weather is totally different from other countries and that is why it is difficult to rely on the information available on German Shepherds because they are not based on India’s weather conditions. India’s hot weather conditions could cause difficulty for pet parents owning German Shepherds.

That is why we have created this ultimate guide on German shepherds in India. This ultimate guide on German shepherds is totally based on India’s weather conditions and will guide you on how you can take proper care of your German shepherd in India. The guide also includes ways and practical knowledge on how you can maintain a comfortable environment for your German Shepherds during India’s hot summer weather.

In short, this is going to be an Indian-specific guide on German Shepherds.

German Shepherds in India: An Overview

There are so many questions that people ask when it comes to buying or adopting a German Shepherd in India. Some of the most commonly asked questions about adopting a German Shepherd in India are;

How much German Shepherd cost in India? Can German Shepherds survive in India? Which dog food is best for German Shepherd in India? German Shepherd price in India? German Shepherd Puppy price.

Well, you don’t have to worry about any of these questions because, in this ultimate guide on German Shepherds in India, I am going to answer all these questions for you. But before that let’s just continue with our overview on German Shepherd in India.

German Shepherds are a popular dog breed in India that is known for their distinctive confident appearance, strong muscular body with double coat, erect ears, loyalty, and intelligence.

German Shepherd Nuggets: Fast Facts About the Breed

Here are some of the quick facts about our beloved German Shepherd that you would want to know for a quick and short review before bringing it home.

NamesDeutscher, German Shepherd, Alsatian wolf dog, Berger Allemand, Schaferhund, GSD
TypeGerman Shepherds belong to the herding group of dogs
SizeGerman Shepherds generally fall into medium to large size dogs weighing 40 to 45 kg (Male) and 35 to 40 kg (Female)
AKC ClassificationHerding 
Coat ColorsGerman Shepherds come in Saddle, Bi-color, White, Tan with black, Sable, and Solid black
Prominent FeaturesGerman Shepherds look as cool as wolves, have extreme intelligence, and sloping toplines.
TemperamentGerman Shepherds are one of the most active dogs and are self-assured.
SheddingSome people might find it difficult but German Shepherds constantly shed excessive hair.  
GroomingGerman Shepherds require  regular grooming
TrainabilityGerman Shepherds are an intelligent breed and can be trained easily with minimum effort
Exercise RequiredGerman Shepherds are an active breed of dogs and require a two-hour walk on a regular basis.
Temperature ToleranceGerman Shepherds can easily survive temperatures below 30 C but need help and extra attention above 30 C. So make sure you maintain  a proper and comfortable temperature for your dog
Recommended DietGerman Shepherd is a large and active breed of dog that requires a high-protein diet
PurposeGerman Shepherds are best suited for police dogs, sniffer dogs, military dogs, disability assistance dogs, detection dogs, and search and rescue dogs. Their friendly nature makes them a perfect family dog.

Choosing A German Shepherd In India

Choosing whether to buy or adopt a German Shepherd in India could be a difficult but crucial decision. This is because buying and adopting a dog involves a lot of factors. Let’s discuss both to make you understand their merits.

Buying A German Shepherd In India

Breed Quality: Buying a German Shepherd from a certified and authorized breeder gives you more control over the dog’s lineage, genetics, and overall health history. With a reputed certified breeder, you get a proper dog health card with all the necessary documents that you may require to keep track of its health.

At a breeder, you get different color options and you even get to choose whether you want a puppy or a dog. Most of the reputed breeders in India even let you attend to different dogs of the same breed to help you find the dog that connects with you and matches your lifestyle.

Predictability: This is one of the most important things that you require to buy a genuine breed of dog. A certified breeder will provide you with the proper legal documents and health certificates that also contain your dog’s pedigree information. These documents and health certificates are essential and help you keep track of your dog’s health history and origin.

Specific Needs: Buying your German Shepherd from a breeder also helps you find a dog that meets your requirements in case you have a specific requirement for your German Shepherd. The reputed breeder knows which dog would be suited for which dog profile such as a show dog, work dog, or a good family watchdog. A good breeder can identify which dog would be well suited for which dog profile for you.

Training Potential: A reputed certified breeder takes good care of every dog and provides them with a proper nutritional diet. Hence puppies from certified breeders can be raised and trained from an early age which makes it easier for pet owners like you to train them to their full potential and make them into well-behaved pets and good family dogs.

Adopting A German Shepherd In India

Saving a Life: Adopting a dog from a shelter is a noble deed. There are so many pet lovers who care deeply about pets and that’s why instead of buying a pet, they adopt it. Adopting a pet is a fulfilling experience and it makes you feel more humane. If you are someone who wants to adopt a German Shepherd then there are so many animal shelters in India that you can visit. These animal shelters wholeheartedly welcome people like you.

Variety: Adopting a dog from a rescue shelter gives another chance to a deserving dog to be loved again and be with a family that will truly love him/her. One of the advantages of adopting a German Shepherd from a rescue shelter is that here you can have options for adopting German Shepherds of various ages, including sweet little puppies, young adorable adults, and beloved seniors. These animal shelters allow you to spend as much as you may need to connect, bond, and find a dog that matches your vibe.

Coasting Savings: The fee of adopting a German Shepherd at rescue dog shelters is generally lower than buying it from a breeder. There is also a possibility that you may find a rescue shelter that will let you adopt a German Shepherd for free or with a little donation to the rescue shelter. The adoption fee or the donation amount will eventually be used for the welfare of the rescue shelter.

Note: Adopting a dog from a rescue shelter promotes ethical pet ownership as it helps reduce the demand for breeding while giving a dog a second chance in life by finding him/her a loving family.

You can consider any of the options that you may feel are right as you will be the one taking care of the dog. Just make sure you do thorough research on both the breeder and adoption shelter to know about their reputation.

Varieties of German Shepherds in India: Coat Colors and Patterns

Just like in any other country, there are a variety of German Shepherds that are available in India that you can bring home as per your preference. German Shepherds are often distinguished by breeding process, work abilities, and physical characteristics. Mentioned below are some of the variants of German Shepherds that are commonly found in India.

Showline German Shepherds

Showline German Shepherds are one of the most popular variants of German Shepherds in India. Showline German Shepherds are popular for their distinctive sloping top line and attractive strong appearance. Showline German Shepherds are generally bred for their appearance and can be commonly seen in various dog shows and as family pets.

The sloping top line is often referred to as angulation by Indian breeders. Showline German Shepherd has two coat types in India.

Bush coat/ long coat German Shepherd: Showline German Shepherds that have long hair are often called by names such as bush coat or double bush coat.
Standard coat/ Short coat/ Show coat German Shepherd: Showline German Shepherds with medium-sized hair are often called the standard coat, short coat, or show coat.

Working Line German Shepherds

Working Line German Shepherds are difficult to find in India as only a handful of breeders own Working Line German Shepherds in India. The limited supply chain makes this variant one of the most wanted German Shepherd variants in India.

It is quite easy to differentiate between a Showline German Shepherd and a Working Line German Shepherd as Working Lines German Shepherds do not have a sloping top line.

Working Line German Shepherds are commonly known for their trainability, intelligence, and agility and are bred for their outstanding working abilities. Working Line German Shepherds can be seen in the role of police work, service dogs, assistant & attendant dogs, and search & rescue dogs.

Working Line German Shepherds are rare so make sure you only buy a Working Line German Shepherds from an authorized and reputed breeder as there are breeders who can sell you a crossbreed at the price of a genuine Working Line German Shepherd.

Indian German Shepherds

Indian German Shepherds may or may not exhibit a mix of traits from various lines, it totally depends on the goal of the breeder who bred it. The Indian German Shepherds are bred and raised in India for better adaptation to the Indian climate and weather conditions.

Diverse Coat Colors of German Shepherds in India

German Shepherds in India come in a variety of coat colors and patterns. Other than the most common and popular classic tan with a black saddle coat, there are several other coat colors and patterns of German Shepherds that are available in India. But worry not as this ultimate guide on German Shepherd in India will help you learn about all the color variants available in India.

Saddle Black and Tan Coat with Striking Black Mask

Saddle black and tan coats are one of the most popular and commonly found coat colors in India. There are a variety of GDS with different shades of tan in India. However, saddle black, and tan coats are one of the most preferred choices of pet owners in India.

Sable German Shepherds

Sable German Shepherds are hard to find and are quite rare in India. Sable German Shepherds have various shades of tan and black and their unique coat pattern gives them a wild and more natural appearance.

Solid Black German Shepherds

As the name suggests the coat of black German Shepherds is completely solid black and does not have any tan or saddle markings on it. Solid Black German Shepherds are also quite rare in India. Their entirely black coat gives them a striking appearance making them one of the most wanted color coat patterns in German Shepherds.

Bi-color German Shepherds

Bi-color German Shepherds are another variant that is found in India but this variant is also rare and it is quite difficult to find a breeder who owns a Bi-color German Shepherds in India. This German Shepherd has a black coat with tan or cream marking patterns on the chest, face, and legs.

Creating An Ideal Housing & Environment For German Shepherds In India

To ensure the well-being of your German Shepherd in India, it is essential to provide them with the right housing and a comfortable environment. German Shepherds are large and active dogs that require a properly balanced environment where they can grow and thrive.

It is essential to provide your German Shepherd with proper housing space that meets the requirements of their physical and mental health. This large dog requires ample space to move around comfortably.

It becomes more important for you to provide your dog with regular exercise if you live in a city or a compact apartment. On average, an adult German Shepherd requires a two-hour walk on a regular basis to meet its daily requirement of exercise.

To meet the daily need for physical activity for your dog, you can take your dog for long walks, or to a dog park where your dog can play or run freely.

Diet and Nutrition: Providing Optimal Care for Your German Shepherd

Proper diet and nutrition play an important role in the overall health and well-being of your German Shepherd in India. The German Shepherd is a large breed of dogs that are known for their athleticism, activeness, intelligence, and boundless energy. To ensure your German Shepherd remains sharp, active, and healthy, it is essential to provide your dog with a proper balanced diet and nutrition.

The best way to keep your German Shepherd healthy, sharp, active, and filled with energy, you need to put him on a high-protein diet to meet his/her daily protein requirements.

You can start by buying high-quality commercial dog food that is designed for large breeds of dogs. Make sure you buy dog food that is enriched with protein and nutrients as large breeds of dogs require high protein for their muscle development and nutrients to maintain their energy levels.

You can also seek help from a veterinarian to determine an appropriate balanced diet for your beloved dog. You can read more about the best food for dogs in India here.

Exercise and Mental Stimulation: Keeping Your German Shepherd Active and Engaged

As I have mentioned above, German Shepherds are intelligent, active, and high-energy dogs that thrive on physical activity and mental challenges. To unlock their full potential it is necessary to provide them with proper exercise and mental stimulation. This ultimate guide on German Shepherds in India will teach you how important it is to provide your German Shepherd with a proper training regime for its overall mental health and physical well-being.

For a German Shepherd to fully thrive it is essential for dog owners to engage their dogs in physical activities such as interactive playtime, regular walks, jogs, or training fetch. A full-grown German Shepherd requires two hours of playtime, walks, or jogs to maintain its physical health and meet its daily physical activity requirement.

Activities such as agility training or training your dog to fetch help your dog to tap its natural herding instincts which could be a better way to have an interactive playtime with your dog.

However, physical activities alone are not enough for your German Shepherd. This intelligent breed of dog also requires mental stimulation training to ensure they remain sharp and active.

There are so many puzzle toys that are available in the market that you can buy for your German Shepherd that will help engage your dog’s mind. German Shepherds are smart and quick learners and they are exceptionally great at solving problems. Buying problem-solving or puzzle toys, or putting your dog on interactive games will surely help your dog to unleash its full potential.

Keeping your German Shepherd engaged and happy is the best way to maintain their physical and mental health. These activities also make sure that your dog stays well, comfortable, and happy in the Indian environment.

To read about the best dog toys in India click here.

Note: Without proper physical and mental stimulation training, there are chances that your German Shepherd will become restless and bored and there are chances that it might develop some behavior issues. So it is advised to provide your German Shepherd with a proper healthy and engaging environment.

Grooming and Care: Maintaining Your German Shepherd’s Well-Being

German Shepherds are a large breed of dogs that have a double coat with long and thick hair which makes it important to provide your German Shepherd with proper and regular grooming sessions to ensure your German Shepherd stays comfortable in the hot weather conditions of India.

To ensure your German Shepherd thrives in the hot weather conditions of India, you must brush your German Shepherd a few times a week to get rid of the excess and loose hair, and avoid matting. Especially during summer and shedding seasons.

You can make a routine to bathe your dog once a month or at least every two months to help maintain proper hygiene and also to keep their coat clean and healthy. However, brushing your dog after every few days is essential for their overall health and well-being.

You can use lukewarm water to wash your dog with a natural dog shampoo that is designed for dogs and does not contain any harmful chemicals. Pay special attention to their sensitive parts while giving them a bath as it might cause discomfort to them.

For in-depth knowledge on how to clean your dog, you can read our dog cleaning step-by-step guide.

You can use a specially designed ear-cleaning kit for dogs to clean your dog’s ears that is easily available online or in any pet store. Regularly trim their nails using dog clippers but make sure you do not cut too deep as it can cause discomfort, pain, or bleeding.

Trimming their nails is important to avoid unwanted injuries and infections. Also, you don’t want your dog to start scratching your furniture when their nails are overgrown. Last, but not least, make sure you help your dog develop a habit of regular brushing at an early age to maintain their dental health.

And if you still find dog grooming an overwhelming task, you can read our ultimate dog grooming guide in India for a better understanding.

Note: Grooming done wrong can cause skin issues such as irritation, skin infection, skin allergies, and so on. So it is advised to consult a veterinarian or a professional groomer to learn more about grooming and to ensure the safety of your dog’s health.

You can find out the best dog shampoo in India here.

Health Care: Ensuring the Well-Being of Your German Shepherd

Regular health checkups are essential to detect early signs of any sickness in your dog. Some of you might think that regular checkups will cost you a lot of money right? Well, it’s a fact. Dog medicines and health checkups are expensive but whatever the cost, these health checkups are essential for your German Shepherd.

These health checkups ensure the safety and well-being of your dog by providing preventive care, and necessary vaccines, and the dog card they provide at the veterinarian center helps you keep track of your dog’s health history.

However, in India, there are several government pet care hospitals that will help you save money on your dog’s health checkups and medical bills. However, visiting a government hospital is always a risk as they do not maintain proper hygiene and there are risk for your dog to catch deadly and harmful viruses or illnesses from other sick dogs.

So the best option for you would be to have health insurance for your furry family friend to make sure you would be able to provide the proper and best care possible at the time of a medical emergency. There are things that you should know as an owner of a German Shepherd is that these dogs are prone to several health diseases such as skin allergies, bloat, hip dysplasia, and degenerative disc disease.

You can find the best dog insurance in India here.

Summer Care Tips for Your German Shepherd in Hot Indian Weather

To make sure this ultimate guide on German Shepherds in India, I am going to provide some of the best Indian-specific ways on how you can take care of your German Shepherd in Indian hot weather conditions.

Indian-Specific Tips For German Shepherds

During the hot weather conditions or in summer, keep your dog inside the home in a cool environment or in a room with proper cooling.

Always make sure your dog has access to clean and cool water all the time. You can also add ice to its water, it will help comfort your dog during the summer season.

In the summer season, make a proper schedule for the outing of your dog and make sure you always take out your German Shepherd during the cool hours of the day which is early morning and late evening. You can also buy dog shoes for your dog to protect its paws from the heat.

Here you can learn about some of the best dog shoes in India.

Avoid giving your German Shepherd meat and chicken during the summer season as it can cause discomfort and various skin problems to your dog.

The best thing to add to their summer diet is cold yogurt. Cold yogurt is healthy and it helps your dog to stay hydrated during the summertime and also improves their digestion.

Also, you should keep in mind that it is natural for your German Shepherd to shed hair during summer and shedding season. So it is totally natural and the hair will grow back.

German Shepherds can become lazy during the summer season but this is also natural and you don’t need to worry about them being lazy. They do it to avoid heat stress. So if you ding your German Shepherd spending more time sleeping during the summer season, just rest easy.

One important point, do not overbathe your German Shepherd in the summer season. Excessive baths can lead to poor hair and bad coat health. It’s best to avoid it if you don’t want your dog to develop any skin problems.

For more info on dog care, you can read our dog care step-by-step guide here.

Bottom Line

The purpose of this ultimate guide on German Shepherd in India is to provide reliable information on German Shepherd and educate people on how they can take proper care of their German Shepherds in India.

In this ultimate Guide, I have tried my best to provide all the necessary and reliable information on German Shepherds that you may need to maintain proper health care for your dog in India.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can German Shepherds survive in India?

Yes, German Shepherds can survive in India. However, they require extra care during the hot weather conditions in India. Such as a comfortable cool environment, high protein diet, proper exercise, regular health checkups, and grooming.

How much German Shepherd cost in India?

German Shepherds in India usually cost around 1800 to 2500 and it can vary according to the type and variant you choose.

What are 3 interesting facts about German Shepherds?

The three interesting facts about German Shepherds are:
1. German Shepherds are one of the most intelligent and smart breeds of dogs.

2. It is said that it was World War 1st that made the German Shepherd a popular breed of dog.

3. Despite their aggressive appearance, German Shepherds are not a dangerous breed of dog.

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